If we are to save our girls, we must rethink and redefine how they are educated and socialized. Until they learn and understand the root causes that do not make "Black Girls Matter," they will never be empowered or free.  Sister~Friend Intergenerational Mentorship Program is designed to empower girls of African ancestory, by helping them see the links between historical events with things that are happening today.

The Journal Series step into the “Real World” of girls of African ancestry and focus on the opportunities and challenges they face. They are referred to as SISTER/GIRL, a loving and endearing term associated with the rites of passage of young and adolescent girls. There are three Journals: Discovery Reflective Journal One - Grades 4-6; Discovery Reflective Journal Two - Grades 7-9 and Discovery Reflective Journal Three - Grades 10-12. The visuals are outstanding, informative, motivational, and inspiring. These empowering resources creatively address identity development issues faced by girls that many would ignore or deny they exist.

Each Journal deals with the identity issue: "Who am  I?" Since self-knowledge is the basis for self-identity and self respect, the areas for study include:

            A.  Discovering My History and Culture
            B.  Discovering Myself
            C.  Discovering My Sexuality
            D.  Discovery My Spirituality

The Journal Series are recommended to parents, grand-parents, teachers, counselors, psychologists, mental health workers, social workers, church youth leaders, sororities, school administrators, community agency workers, mentors, civic organizations and parent organizations who work innovatively and courageously with girls of the African Diaspora. We must celebrate our rich African and African-American culture and amazing history or we will continue to be severely limited until the misinformation and distortions are challenged and corrected.

Joyce Darling,

Social Worker


Author Dr. Joyce H. Clark

Retired Chicago Public Schools educator Joyce H. Clark launched The Discovery Reflective Journal Series: Empowering Sister-Girls to help save Black girls. She has more than 40 years of experience in the field of education in the areas of teaching, counseling, and administration in public schools, postsecondary education and educational management consulting to local, state and national agencies.

Recognized for her research in factors that influence the identity development and self-concept of youth of African descent, she has initiated and facilitated innovative programs including INROADS, High School Health Clinics, Teen Moms: Pregnancy Intervention Programs and Seminars, Sister-Friend  Intergenerational Mentorship Program.

Dr. Clark is a founder and past national president of The Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development - a Division of The American Counseling Association. She also is a member of the National Council of African Women (South Africa), Vivian G. Harsh Society, Association for The Study of Classical African Civilizations, National Council of Negro Women, National Association of Pupil Services Administrators, Chicago Prairie Tennis Club (Retired Director, Junior Development Program) and South Shore Ladies Golf League.

With more than 40 years at the Chicago Public Schools as a teacher, counselor, guidance coordinator, Director of Guidance and Counseling, Administrator of Pupil Services of Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists and Attendance Officers, she has been an Adjunct Professor at Loyola University and served as Co-director of The Intergenerational Mentorship Program, The University of Illinois Extension Program.  She is president of EmCo Educational Management and Consulting LLC. In Dr. Clark's efforts to research factors that influence the identity development and self-concept of youth of African ancestry, she has traveled to Ghana, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Caribbean Islands and Puerto Rico.


Gwendolyn Kirkland

Gloria Davis, Retired Administrator, Chicago Public School System, Consultant

What People Are Saying

Discovery Reflective Journals

A Division of

Sister-Friend  Intergenerational Mentorship Program is at the core of Save Black Girls. The goal of Sister-Friend is to provide girls of African descent with positive role models, mentors and the extra attention that can give them the added incentives to reach educational, emotional, physical and personal goals commensurate with their potential.”

The program enriches the lives of older and younger females through increased intergenerational contact and offers both the opportunity to explore and celebrate their sisterhood and womanhood.  “By lifting girls up, building pride, instilling confidence and enhancing self-esteem, we are empowering girls whose options are limited by their circumstances and significant obstacles they need to overcome,” adds program founder Dr. Joyce Clark.

Clark drew upon her wealth of experiences to create HER~STORY Sister-Friend  Intergenerational Mentorship Program Manual and a supporting three-journal series called Discovery Reflective Journals Empowering Sister-Girls: From Kemet (egypt) to America - A Journey of Cultural Regeneration.

Discovery Reflective Journals are culturally sensitive curriculum used to implement the Intergenerational Mentorship Program. Each journal covers issues girls need to research, study, write and discuss on such topics as history, culture, beauty, sexuality and spirituality. The journals are designed for girls in grades fourth through twelth. The program is great for churches, schools, community groups, organizations, women's civic and social service clubs, colleges and any group working with young girls.

Sister-Friend  Intergenerational Mentorship Program

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